Course Syllabus

Course Description:

Drafting I introduces students to the use of simple and complex graphic tools used to communicate and understand ideas and concepts found in the areas of architecture, manufacturing, engineering, science, and mathematics. This course focuses on hand sketching, using traditional drafting materials, and CAD.

HOT Lunch Tutorials:

Tuesday/Thursday (A/B 10:24 - 11:14)

Grading Scale

100 - 90 = A

80 - 89 = B

70 - 79 = C

60 - 69 = D
0 - 59 = F

Evaluation and Grading

1ST and 2ND Quarter Grades

50% - Projects

40% - Tests / Quizzes

10% - Homework / Classwork

Final Course Grade

40% - 3RD Quarter Grade

40% - 4TH Quarter Grade

20% - Final Exam

Materials Needed:

  • Loose Leaf Paper - College Ruled
  • Pencils/Pens
  • Block Erasers – recommended
  • Flash Drive – recommended


Based upon the policies established by WCPSS and Holly Springs High School

Class Rules:

  • Stay in your seat until dismissed
  • Leave your desk area tidy with your chair pushed in before leaving
  • No gum, food, or drinks in class (Water is fine with a lid)
  • Computers can only be used when instructed to do so

Bathroom Policy
Students may go to the restroom when needed, however students may not go to the restroom in the first or last fifteen minutes of class. Students should not ask to go to the bathroom during lecture or a demonstration.

Retest Policy

Students may retake their tests and quizzes for full credit, on the condition that they complete a “Request to Retest.” The Request to Retest is a document that students must fill out completely to retake the test or quiz. The document requires students to write out the test questions they missed with the correct answers. Students that score less than 70% on tests or quizzes will be required to complete this process.

Major Units and Objectives

  1. Drafting Careers, Concepts, and Trends - Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of fundamental concepts and trends of drafting.
  2. Sketching - Students will be able to demonstrate basic sketching skills and techniques.
  3. Basic Drafting Skills - Students will be able to explain and demonstrate basic drafting skills and techniques.
  4. Geometric Terms and Constructions - Students will be able to explain geometric terms and apply geometric construction techniques.
  5. Basic Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) - Students will be able to demonstrate basic CAD commands and techniques.
  6. Basic Dimensioning Skills - Students will be able to demonstrate basic dimensioning techniques.

Folder Organization

Students will be given a folder that will store all course documents. The folder will remain in the classroom. Students may request to take their folders home for test preparation. The left pocket of the folder is reserved for assignments that need to be turned in. Important course documents and the current unit notes will be stored in the prongs in a specified order. Folders will be checked at the end of each week.  

Course Summary:

Date Details Due