Course Syllabus

To Access Discovery Education, go through your WAKE ID PORTAL and click on Discovery Education icon.  Then go to assignments to access the necessary videos.

FRIDAY, 1/11/19

Worked on review packets and asked questions.

Turned in CNN notes.

chapter 8 packets and review packets due on day of exam.


THURSDAY, 1/10/19

DQ Review Questions – 5 minutes

AGENDA: Begin sec. 3

             Video Biographies

             Power Point

           Grant Video Biography

           Primary source readings

HOMEWORK:  Finish Sec. 3 text book and Primary source readings.


Warm Up: CNN 10


AGENDA:  Reconstruction Plans

  1. Go over Power point on Section 1
  2. Video Bio on Johnson

Presidents packet is due after Grant

  1. Section 2

HOMEWORK:  Finish All items for section 1,2

TUESDAY, 1/8/19

DQ: None – review for Big Quiz

AGENDA:  Big Quiz – Turn in Civil War packet

Reconstruction Plans

a.Power point overview

b.Videos on Discovery Education

c.Text book


HOMEWORK:  All items in section 1 due on Wednesday - Work on Review Packet

MONDAY, 1/7/19

No CNN 10 or Daily Quiz

Work on packet for Civil War and Map 50 due at beginning of class tomorrow.

Start packet for Reconstruction (chapter 8). 

TO DO:  Quiz on Civil War is tomorrow.  Complete readings for Civil War and for Reconstruction, section 1

FRIDAY, 1/4/19

DQ on Section 3 and 4 terms

AGENDA:  A)  Videos on War years 62 – 65

               Siege of Vicksburg – Petersburg and Richmond

B)Text book “Civil War” Chapter sec 4, 5

C)Primary Source packet Vicksburg and Gettysburg

Homework:  finish classwork or work on Review Packet

THURSDAY, 1/3/19

DQ/QW:  On Secs. 1,2,3

AGENDA:  A. War through Gettysburg Gettysburg Address  (Read as you listen)

B.Text book “Civil War” Sec. 4

C.Map 50 activity

D.Work on packets – chapter 7 or review packet

HOMEWORK:  Finish classwork or work ahead

THURSDAY, 12/20/18

DQ:  Predicting the Civil War

AGENDA: Videos

Unit 5B Civil War – Blue Sheet, day 2

  1862, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation

HOMEWORK:  Finish Readings for 7.2

                         Review Packet 

WEDNESDAY, 12/19/18

DQ: none

DISCUSS/TURN in:  Causes of CW packet and map 49

AGENDA: Review Causes of Civil War

            Quiz on Causes of Civil War

              Start section 1 of Civil War

TO DO:  Finish Section 1 readings and videos

TUESDAY, 12/18/18

DQ:  On John Brown (1st)  None (4th)

Agenda: Go over last section of packet

               Finish packet

Map 49 “Choosing Sides”  (pg. 219) or

  “Arguing the Southern Cause” & “Reflections on the Union Cause”

TO DO Quiz on Causes of Civil War

for Tomorrow.  Chapter 6 packet is due tomorrow.

TUESDAY, 12/18/18

DQ:  On John Brown (1st)  None (4th)

Agenda: Go over last section of packet

               Finish packet

Map 49 “Choosing Sides”  (pg. 219) or

  “Arguing the Southern Cause” & “Reflections on the Union Cause”

TO DO Quiz on Causes of Civil War

for Tomorrow.  Chapter 6 packet is due tomorrow.

MONDAY, 12/17/18

DQ:  On John Brown

AGENDA:   videos

                    President Buchanan

                  Study Guide 6.4

                   Power point and study guides

TO DO:  Complete 6.4

Quiz is tomorrow on Causes of Civil War.

FRIDAY, 12/14/18 (TGIF)

DQ:  Sec. 1 and 2

AGENDA:  Power Point Bleeding Kansas – John Brown’s Raid

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

         Study guide sec. 3

Continue with Agenda

 HOMEWORK:  Complete Videos for sec. 3

THURSDAY 12/6/18 - Transition Unit 4B to 5A



AGENDA:  Review for test Thursday

Start Unit 5A/ Finish Ethical Issues and Homework readings.

HOMEWORK:  Review for test on Friday

WEDNESDAY, 12/5/18 - Nationalism and Sectionalism

CNN-10 Warm up and cartoon

DQ: 3 items to see reviewed before test

AGENDA: Finish Ethical Issues

                 Review for test

Homework: Finish Readings questions

Test for the unit is Friday

We start the new unit tomorrow

TUESDAY, 12/4/18 - UNIT 4B Analyze the effectiveness of the Antebellum Women’s Movement

CNN – 10 Warm up

QQ:  On Reform Movements

AGENDA:  Women’s Reform

                   Video reviews 

                     "Ain't I a Woman"  speech is here: 


                    Work on Ethical issues

HOMEWORK:  Primary Source questions due on Friday

MONDAY, 12/3 - Analyze the effectiveness of the Abolition movement


QW:  On Reforms so far

AGENDA:  Finish video – per 4

                  Abolition reform

                   Work on Ethical issue - 3 Honors, 2 Standard are due on Friday -  work in class only

TO DO:  Reading packet #1 and #2 - see me for a packet.  Honors:  Complete all  Standard:  Complete 1st and 4th and choose from 2 or 3

FRIDAY, 11/30/18 - Analyze the impact of the Reform movements of the Antebellum period

CNN 10 – take notes

QW:  None today

AGENDA:  Reforms to Abolition

                   Ethics activity 

HOMEWORK:  Education Primary source reading - Per 1

THURSDAY, 11/29/18 - Analyze the impact of the Reform movements of the Antebellum period


DQ:  Expansion Map

AGENDA:  Reform Video

                  Notes on Utopian Communities

                  Ethical Issue #1

HOMEWORK:  Review reform notes and terms

WEDNESDAY, 11/28/18

Warm up:  CNN-10 and Cartoon

Quick Quiz on Expansion – matching

AGENDA: The Spirit of Reform

                  2nd Great Awakening

                  Video on reforms of Antebellum Am.

HOMEWORK:  Review terms for Manifest Destiny and reforms

TUESDAY, 11/27/18 - Trace the expansion of the United States across the continent.

DQ:  n/a

AGENDA: Webster-Ashburton Treaty - Gadsden Purchase - see Power Point notes

HW:   Finish map

Study terms “Manifest Destiny”


MONDAY, 11/26/18

CNN-10 – take notes

DQ:  Presidents 1-10

AGENDA:  Manifest Destiny – review through Adams – Onis Treaty    Texas

  View Alamo video (not Disc. Ed.)

Homework:  Work sheet on Manifest Destiny

TUESDAY, 11/20/18

WARM UPS:  CNN-10 Edit


AGENDA:  Presidents charts and videos

            Tyler – Polk

TO DO/DUE:  Nothing except to help out at dinner.  Happy Thanksgiving

MONDAY, 11/191/18 - Assess knowledge of Antebellum politics and economics

WARM UP:  CNN-10 at end of period

TURN IN/DISCUSS:  Do you owe me-- Slave Narrative, Work sheet , Indian Removal, Quick quizzes or Warm up papers?

AGENDA:  Test on Unit 4.1

                   If you finish early, work on any missing work, or get a text book and work on defining terms for “Religion and Reform”

HOMEWORK:  Make up missing work.


FRIDAY, 11/16/18 - Trace rising sectionalism in Antebellum Politics

WARM UPS –Turn in after CNN 10

DQ/QW:  Jackson

DISCUSS/TURN IN – Indian Removal Qs

Agenda – Jackson Stations

                 Review for test Monday

Homework:  Review for test Monday.

THURSDAY, 11/15/18  Antebellum Day 7:  Trace the rising sectionalism in American politics


TURN IN/DISCUSS:  Slave Narrative assignment, per 4 – Indian Removal Readings

DQ:  On Presidents 1-10

AGENDA:  Finish Jackson

                  Weird Jackson part 2

                  Van Buren and Harrison

HOMEWORK:  Indian Removal Readings – per 1

Quiz on Jackson Tomorrow

WEDNESDAY, 11/14/18 - Antebellum Day 6:  Trace Nationalism and sectionalism in Antebellum Politics


Turn in/Discuss:  N/A

DQ:  On Review

Agenda: Jackson – President Chart

        Jackson – Notes

               Weird Jackson video pt. 2

Homework:  Indian Removal Act or review terms up to “Religion and Reform”


FRIDAY, 11/9/18


DQ/QW - On Antebellum economics

Agenda  Politics - Monroe and JQ Adams - See Power point "Political Personalities"   

Homework:  Review terms from Turnpike – Hudson River School

THURSDAY, 11/8/18:  Compare the economic systems of the Antebellum North and South

BW:  CNN 10

QQ:  on American Culture

AGENDA:  Southern Economics

  Complete chart using text book – pgs. 104 - 109, video and/or power point notes.

Slave Narratives

Homework:  Read one of the slave narratives and answer the 5 questions - See Module 4 for a link and the assignment.

WEDNESDAY, 11/7/18 - Trace the rising forces of Nationalism and Sectionalism in Antebellum economics.


DQ:  on transportation

Agenda: Finish Northern Economy

          National Culture

Southern Economy  

Homework:  Study terms from Blue sheet

           2.1,2,3  Per 4 complete machinery reading

TUESDAY, 11/6/18 - OBJ: Trace the rising forces of Nationalism and Sectionalism in Antebellum U.S. - Economics

WARM-UP:  CNN-10 voting

Agenda:  Notes or Lowell video

Lowell Reading

Nationalism/Sectionalism and inventions

              American Culture

Homework: Review terms Sections 1, 2 and 3


MONDAY, 11/5/18

1ST Per:  Test on Unit 3B - schedule make up.  Refer to the schedule on the board -- Wednesday after school is the best time.

4th Per -

Warm up:  CNN 10

AGENDA:  Industrialization,

Transportation and communication

    Notes and video clip

Homework – Complete Work sheet packet


FRIDAY, 11/2/18

   PER 1 - Tests were not ready - postponed to Monday -

                 Viewed a documentary about Antebellum economics - the beginning of Unit 4.  Started on worksheet packet - due Tuesday.

  PER 4 - Test on New Government and New Nation

No Homework

THURSDAY, 11/1/18

Bell Work:  CNN-10 and questions for test - Collected today.

AGENDA:      Questions from Blue  Unit Sheet for review


HOMEWORK:  Study for test tomorrow

                          Use both sides of blue sheet

WEDNESDAY, 10/31/18 - Assess the impact of Madison's presidency on the new US

Daily Quiz:  on Jefferson

AGENDA:  Finish Jefferson


                       Burning of Washington DC

                        Star Spangled Banner

                         Battle of New Orleans

HOMEWORK:  Review notes:  Quick Quiz on Jefferson tomorrow.  Test on Constitution through Madison is Friday.


TUESDAY, 10/30/18


DQ on John Adams’ Administration after review videos

AGENDA:  Thomas Jefferson

                       Video Bio, Notes, Louisiana Purchase, Notes

                       Political Cartoon

HOMEWORK:  Reading and Questions on Sacajawea

MONDAY, 10/29/18


CNN 10 – Choose 1 and respond

DQ:  on Washington’s Foreign Policy

AGENDA:  Adams + skits


HOMEWORK:  Review your notes on Adams’ administration


THURSDAY, 10/25/18:  Evaluate the importance of Washington's Presidency

TURN IN/DISCUSS:  Hamilton vs. Jefferson


AGENDA: Washington and Foreign Policy

                   Washington’s Farewell Address

HOMEWORK:  Review notes for quiz tomorrow

TUESDAY, 10/23/18


DQ/Warm up:  Pre-quiz on Presidents – you need a text book

AGENDA: Washington’s Presidency – Finish

                   Political Parties – chart and reading questions - see me for a packet

HOMEWORK: Finish Hamilton vs. Jefferson (political parties)   

                       Quiz on Political Parties tomorrow                      


MONDAY, 10/22/18

DQ:  CNN 10 – Choose an event and comment on it.  Keep your warm-ups in your notebook for this week. - mark "absent" when you get your paper

AGENDA:   George Washington - Get the hand out on Presidents

    Starting the government

                       issues of the new nation

HOMEWORK:  Review your notes

FRIDAY, 10/29/18

Worked on Constitution Packet

Packet is due on Monday

THURSDAY, 10/18/18

BELL RINGER:  CNN 10 – Choose and event and comment

AGENDA:  Article I – Legislative Branch

                      Short Video

                 Work on packet to finish Article I

TO DO/HOMEWORK:  Finish Article III - Packet due on Monday at beginning of period.

TUESDAY, 10/16/18

WARM UP:  Take Notes on the videos

AGENDA: 6 Principles of Constitution

Separation of Powers, the 3 branches of government – Legislative Branch

  Work on Packet

HOMEWORK:  Finish Article I pgs 1, 2 of packet

MONDAY, 10/15/18

Warm up:  CNN 10

AGENDA:  Articles of Confederation - See Module 3B Articles Power Point

                   Constitutional Convention

                   US Constitution - Preamble

                   Go over Test

TO DO:  Look up concepts of 6 goals and put in your own words – what does it mean to you.

FRIDAY, 10/12/18

NO SCHOOL Hurricane recovery

THURSDAY, 10/11/18

NO SCHOOL due to Hurricane Michael

WEDNESDAY, 10/10/18

TEST on Revolution - schedule make up

TUESDAY, 10/9/18

DQ:  Review Quiz

AGENDA: Effects of Revolution - end of Revolution Power Point

Review for test

HOMEWORK: Review all terms for Unit 3A Test tomorrow on Steps to Revolution and Revolution – up to Articles of Confederation- see your blue agenda sheet

MONDAY, 10/8/8

BELL WORK:  CNN Ten - Comments (use your own paper and keep in your notebook)

AGENDA:  The Revolutionary War – Phases

                       The Treaty of Paris of 1783 – End of the war

HOMEWORK: Review Terms on second column of blue sheet

Test on Causes of Revolution, War is Wednesday


FRIDAY, 10/5/18

QQ:  on Advantages of sides of Revolution

AGENDA: Begin 3 phases of war

                   work on Political cartoon/Declaration re-write


          Test on Unit 3 is coming - Wednesday, 10/10/18

THURSDAY, 10/4/18

America The Story of US, video and worksheet

WEDNESDAY, 10/3/18

DQ/QW:  Patriot or Loyalist?

AGENDA:  Quiz on Causes of Revolution - Schedule your make up or plan to be at Advantage Time next week.

Finish Declaration

  The Revolutionary War

  Advantages and Disadvantages





DQ:  on Steps to Revolution


  Per 1:  Finish Steps to Revolution and fill in graphic organizer on back of French and Indian notes packet

  Per 4:  Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” –Take notes

  The Declaration of Independence

HOMEWORK:  Big Quiz tomorrow - Review first column of blue sheet terms

 Finish Reading Declaration of Independence

  All:  Choose one of the Steps to Revolution and make a political cartoon. No bigger than 8 ½ x 11 paper.                         

Honors only:  Choose one of the signers of the Declaration, and find out what happened to that person as a result of the Revolutionary War – to report out and turn in

MONDAY, 10/1

Per 1 AGENDA:  Steps to Revolution to Boston Tea Party

                            3 Views of Boston Incident - Answer Questions -- see module 3

           To Do:  Finish 3 Views

Per 4 AGENDA:   Finish Steps to Revolution

                      Graphic Organizer

                     Common Sense pg. 1042

                     Declaration of Independence

HOMEWORK:  Big Quiz on Steps to Rev. Wednesday

                           Review terms from Magna Carta to Declaration of Independence


FRIDAY, 9/28/18

Warm up:  QQ on French and Indian War


AGENDA:  Steps to Revolution

    3 views on the Boston Incident

                       Boston Tea Party to Lexington and Concord

HOMEWORK:  Fill in Steps to Revolution graphic organizer – Review steps for QQ tomorrow.

THURSDAY, 9/27/18

Per 4

DQ/QW:  What is Taxation?  What is Representation?

                  Discuss and turn in Albany Plan questions

AGENDA:  Steps to Revolution

                       French and Indian War - Take notes on the packet

                       Results of French & Indian War        

HOMEWORK:  Finish Maps on Fr & Ind War

Per 1 - See Wednesday for Per 4

WEDNESDAY, 9/26/18

Per 4 =

Bell Work:  Teenagers and their parents

AGENDA: Steps to Revolution

                     Albany Plan and French and Indian War

HOMEWORK:  Finish questions on Albany Plan of Union

Per 1 - see Tuesday for Per 4


Per 1 - Reviewed for test

Per 4 - Test on Units 1,2

To Do:  Look up the 1st 10 terms on the Unit 3 Blue sheet - put on separate paper

MONDAY, 9/24


Finish compare and contrast chart of the regions

                   Review for test

TO DO:  Review for test

FRIDAY, 9/24

AGENDA:  Finish Salem Activity – Per 1

                   Collect Salem Activity – Per 4

                   Enlightenment vs. Great Awakening - See Module 2 for the power point.

  Colonial Regions - See Module 2.  The last item has instructions and a link for information.

HOMEWORK:  Review for test


QQ:  on Colonies

AGENDA: Growing pains:  Pequot War, King Phillip’s War, Bacon’s Rebellion,


                       Video and activities - see Module 2 for Salem Trial activity.  Per 1 will complete on Friday

HOMEWORK:  Review Notes.  Test on Unit 1 is Tuesday

WEDNESDAY, 9/19 - Vacation Day, No School


Q:  On New England colonies – review your chart

AGENDA: Finish Birth of Colonies  Maryland – Georgia Per 1

                  Wars and Rebellions Per 4 - See the Power point in Module Unit 2

                       Pequot War

                       King Philips War

                       Bacon’s Rebellion

HOMEWORK:  Make sure chart is finished and review the information

  There is a test next week on Tuesday  A small part is Unit 1, a large part is Unit 2



BELL WORK:  Quick Quiz on Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth

AGENDA:  Massachusetts and “City upon a Hill”

               New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, etc.

               We finished all of the notes in the "British Colonies" power point - see Module 2. 

HOMEWORK: Study notes, Finish “City on a Hill” Activity.  Students had 15 minutes to start this in class and need to finish for our next class meeting.


DQ:  Name the 13 colonies – No Notes

AGENDA:  Birth of English colonies

Jamestown and Starving Time – Read Smith and Starving Time

                     Massachusetts: Plymouth and MA Bay Colony

                      Read Mayflower Compact and complete questions


HOMEWORK:  Study today's terms from chapter 2, sec. 3,4

MONDAY, 9/10

BW:  None

 AGENDA:  PRE-Qu’est for NCFE ( No make up - diagnostic only)

                   Chart of Colonies

TO DO:  Finish chart of colonies


Warm Up:  Review for Big Quiz

                  Roanoke - Video

                  Big Quiz - See me to make up during lunch

                  Compare and Contrast European Colonization

         Founding of Jamestown – Video

                 HOMEWORK:  Review your  notes


  • No Quick Quiz – Present Pueblo culture group
  • AGENDA: Review French and Dutch
  • English Reformation and colonization
  • Present Culture Group
  • Roanoke the Lost Colony

TO DO:Big Quiz

 Look up these terms:  Charter, Proprietary colony, Royal colony

               Learn the names for the 13 English Colonies


Quick Pre-Quiz on English Colonies

AGENDA:  French Exploration and Settlement

                  Dutch Exploration and Settlement

                   English Reformation and Exploration

TO DO:  Learn the names of the 13 English colonies in the “New World”

               Big Quiz planned for Friday on Chapter 1 terms and Chapter 2, sections 1,2


AGENDA:  Spanish Exploration and Columbian Exchange

                  Columbian exchange activity - see me for copies.

TO DO:  Finish Exchange activity and turn in Wednesday


Labor Day holiday - no school.


Turn in:  Personal Story

AGENDA:  Finish:

                   Native American culture groups



HOMEWORK:  Finish everything above

                        Start learning the names of the original 13 English colonies


DQ/QW:  On Aztecs, Incas and Mayas

AGENDA:  Discuss Small pox

                   Native American research and planning

                   Presentation tomorrow

                   Work on maps

HOMEWORK:  Finish Small Pox reading and maps


TURN IN:  Any parent signatures

DQ:  On class systems, Historical narrative

AGENDA:  Aztecs

        Native Americans Culture Groups – begin research

         Exploration and Discovery if time

HOMEWORK:  Native American Research



AGENDA:  Map of North America - physical and political - See Module "Getting Started"

                   Migration notes and Mayan and Incan civilizations  See Module Unit 1 - Pre-Columbians

To DO:  Review Notes on migration

             Work on Personal Story

Monday, August 27

DQ:  What does RESPECT mean to you?

AGENDA:  Introductions to American History and Room 2814 (See power points in Module "Getting Started"


        What is History, What is American History?


    Parent Signatures

    A Personal History - Time line or Story

Course Summary:

Date Details Due