Course Syllabus

AP Biology 2018/19                                     

Dr. Lisa Siegerman:

Room 101

Office/Tutoring Hours: by appointment.   Sign up on the back of the classroom door. 

Tuesday and Wednesdays 7 AM and 2:30-3:30. You MUST sign up before you come. 


Websites:  Announcements, assignments, dates, and lecture slides will be posted on the class website.  Please refer to the website prior to each class.  The class website is:  CANVAS


Remind: I will be using remind 101 to help students stay on track. 

To receive messages via text: Text the number 81010: In your message text @Siegapbio


Course Introduction

The AP Biology curriculum is investigated the entire academic year. AP biology focuses on applying concepts to experimental situations, designing experiments, and demonstrating scientific reasoning and analysis. Independent learning, reading a textbook, and applying knowledge to problem solve is a must. Reading of the textbook and answering questions is a nightly expectation.


AP Exam

  • 3 hours                         Exam date: Monday, May 13th, 2019
  • 2 sections; multiple choice (69 questions – 90 minutes) and free response (8 questions – 90 minutes)


Material List Required for all students!

1 composition book             Dividers                pens/pencils                        highlighters

2” Binder-paper                   scotch tape           4 function calculator (square root function)


Classroom Rules:

  • Be respectful
  • Be on time
  • Be prepared to work
  • Stay on Task
  • Per Federal OSHA regulations: NO EATING OR DRINKING IN CLASS!!!!!!


Classroom Procedures and Expectations

  • Arrive to class on time and ready to learn. Be in your seat when the bell rings with pencil and paper at desk
  • Every day check the board and record homework and upcoming assignments.
  • Spend 8 minutes copying the Science Facts in your notebook and finding the answers.
  • Actively participate in all class activities, including labs and group assignments.
  • Work on task until dismissed by Dr. Siegerman.


Cell phones in the classroom:  Upon entrance into the classroom all students will be required to store their cell phones in their assigned slots every class day. 


Hall/Restroom Passes:

The MHS hall pass system will be followed as well as the 10/10 rule.


Grading Policy:  You will participate in many activities this semester. In order to gauge your success, your quarter grade will be determined by the following types of assignments:

Minor: 30% (Quizzes, lab activities-posters, mini projects)

Major: 70% (Tests, Formal Lab reports, Major projects)

Final Grade Calculations:  1st semester =  40%     2nd semester =  40%       Final Exam =   20%


Late Work Policy: Late work needs to be turned in by the date of the unit assessment. Classwork is NOT subject to the late work policy.

Retest Policy:  Optional quarter test will be available to replace lower test grade taken within that quarter. 


Absence/Make-Up work:

It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed work in compliance with the WCPSS handbook.

  • Look for the absence notebook to find your name and guidance.
  • It is your responsibility to check the class website for missing assignments.
  • Upon returning to school, check with the table below to see how to get what you missed.


I missed…

You need to…

Science facts

Copy from a classmate


You will take in class the day you return to school or another time as designated by teacher


You will need to schedule a time during office hours to make up


You will either join a group, conduct a lab simulation on your own, or have an alternative assignment


Retrieve project outline from bin for the day that you missed and complete on time according to MHS makeup work policy

Turning in work

Turn in to proper bin as soon as you return to school and mark absent on the top of the work


Course Syllabus

Intro Unit: Required Math including Statistics, Scientific Method, Experimental Design

Unit 1: Ecology and Behavior                

Unit 2: Chemistry of Life                       

Unit 3: Cells and Cell Transport 

Unit 4: Cell Energy                               

Unit 5: Cell Cycle                                  

Unit 6: DNA and DNA Technology         

Unit 7: Genetics                        


Millbrook Science Department requires all students enrolled in a science course to pay a $30.00 lab fee.  This fee will be used to purchase materials and supplies needed to engage students in inquiry-based learning such as chemicals, gloves, live materials, and dissecting specimen.  Please pay this fee on OSP no later than Sept. 30th so that we can place orders for supplies as soon as possible.  Dissection is one of many instructional methods that may be used in laboratory science courses.  Students/parents/guardians may request alternatives to dissection from the teacher. Alternatives may include such materials as videos of dissections, virtual dissection simulations, models, charts, and diagrams to complete for full credit in lieu of participating in the classroom dissection activity.


Teacher Wish List: Rolls of paper towel, tissues, hand sanitizer, scotch tape, colored pencils, gallons of distilled water


Please complete the following information and read over and sign the safety contract and return by September 7, 2018. It is imperative that I have your correct contact information, so that I can be in contact with you throughout the year. If you have an email address, please include it in the box. Email will be the easiest and quickest way for you to contact me and result in the promptest response.  I will respond back to your concerns within 48 hours of your email.  Thank you so much for your cooperation and support, I am looking forward to a great year.             

   Sincerely, Dr. Lisa Siegerman  

Parent Contact Information

Student Name: ___________________________________________-


AP Biology Pd 2 A/B


Parent or Guardian Name(s): __________________________________________________________


Parent (s) email: _________________________________________________________________________




Parent (s) Phone #: _______________________________________________________________________




Any medical conditions which I should be made aware of? _________________________________



Does your child have internet access at home?  Yes or No


I have read and understand all of the information provided by the course syllabus. 



Student Signature: _____________________________________



Parent Signature: ______________________________________



Course Summary:

Date Details Due