Course Syllabus

Theatre Arts I

Class Policies/Supplies/Syllabus/Information – Fall 2017

Instructor – Bing Cox,, SMART Lunch: Tue B Lunch, Wed A Lunch


Theatre Arts I is an introductory course which trains students in theatre basics, including ensemble, improvisation, vocal and physical strength and control, technical theatre,  and of course, ACTING!

Student Information Form: All students need to complete an on-line Information Form using their WCPSS Google login. This form must be completed by Fri, Sep 1st. The form can be found here:

Supplies and Theatre Notebook: Students are required to bring their own, pens, pencils, and loose leaf paper to class every day.  Additionally, students are required to have a Theatre Notebook with 3 Subject Notebook (College ruled) with each section labeled: 1) Notes and Vocabulary, 2) Reflective Writing and 3) Miscellaneous. This notebooks will be brought to class every day!  The properly labeled Theatre Notebook is due in class by Friday, Sep 1st.

Class Communication: Students are expected to log into Canvas ( using their WCPSS login to check on class information on a daily basis.  Class messages, assignments, and course documents will be posted on Canvas regularly. Canvas is the primary source of information and communication for the course.  Students will also use a Google Drive, Team Drive to access Course Documents and Special Projects.

Additionally, students and parents are strongly encouraged to keep up with class announcements, assignments, and reminders to their smartphones through Smartphone users can get push notifications by going to the following link: 1st Block -, 4th Block - If you don’t have a smartphone, just text the message: 1st Block - @ta1bloc1 to the number 81010, 4th Block - 2ta1bloc4 to the number 81010.

Student/Parent Information and Contract

Read all the conditions below. Think seriously about what they mean. If you can honestly abide by these conditions, sign your name on the student information form and ask your parents to do the same.

  • Be on time ready for class (quiet, pencil, paper, binder, script, etc.), in assigned seat with feet on floor or standing in actor’s neutral in assigned circle position when bell rings, no electronics (cell phones and other electronic devices in book bags and turned off), no gum/food, performance etiquette, contributions (appropriate) to discussions, quick transitions.
  • No gum or any type of food in the classroom or auditorium at any time. Bottled water (not soda or juice) is acceptable.
  • Keep our classroom/auditorium area neat and clean at all times. Clean any spills or messes and put tables, chairs, props and supplies where they belong. Take pride in your classroom and theatre.
  • Always bring a pencil or pen, paper, theatre notebook (and book or script, if appropriate) to class every day. Additionally, all written work is to be completed in dark blue or black ink (or #2 pencil).  Word processed work (when appropriate) is also accepted.
  • Student engagement is an integral part of a Theatre Arts Class. Theatre is doing and we learn by doing. Theatre students are expected to be engaged in class by demonstrating a conscious determination to fully master skills, complete understanding through thorough preparation, and willingness to volunteer and/or ask questions at appropriate time. Students will receive a grade for their class engagement.
  • Students are required to keep their Theatre Notebook up-to-date as part of their grade. Notebooks will be taken up several times during each grading period for a grade.
  • Public performance is required of all drama students. Theatre Arts I students will present their Final Scene Projects before an invited audience during class and/or SMART Lunch.
  • Have respect for yourself, your teachers, classmates, and performers. No talking or disruptive/disrespectful behavior during any performance.
  • WCPSS policy allows students to have cell phones on campus, but requires them to be out of sight and turned off during school hours. PCHS has implemented a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy allowing teachers to have students use authorized electronic devices (smart phones, notebooks, lap tops) to aid in instruction. When or if devices are used as part of instruction is at the discretion of the teacher. Otherwise, these devices are usually a distraction to student engagement and the hard work of required of theatre. Any student with a phone out during class-time without teacher authorization is subject to disciplinary action. Additionally, WCPSS, PCHS, the Theatre Arts Dept. and instructors cannot be held accountable for the loss, theft, or damage of personal properties of students.
  • All students are required to attend four (4) SMART Lunch sessions per grading period. Students may use SMART Lunch sessions to review for tests, work on performance projects, attend Thespian Society meetings, etc.  Two of these SMART Lunch will be completed before the first interim reports.  All students meeting this requirement will receive a grade of “100” averaged into their Minor Assessments grade category.
  • All Theatre Arts students are strongly encouraged to participate in the Thespian Society as apprentice members and attend meetings which are held during class and/or Smart Lunch. After earning enough points through participation, apprentice members are encouraged to join the International Thespian Society, a nationally recognized honorary drama fraternity.  Our first meeting is Wed, Sep 6, during SMART Lunch in the auditorium.
  • Although Theatre Arts students are not required to participate in the PCHS Theatre Arts extra-curricular productions, all are encouraged to at least attend them. This year’s productions include: 6th Annual 24 Hour Play Festival (Oct 13-14), Peter Pan by Jon Jory (Nov 16-18), and our spring musical, Once Upon a Mattress (Apr 19-21).  Any student interested in participation in any of these productions, on stage or off, should attend our first Thespian Society meeting
  • Your grade is based on a combination of class participation, performance, quizzes, homework assignments, and final exam. The final exam has 2 parts. 50% is a written exam, 50% is a performance based.
  • Late Work Policy: All students are expected to complete assignments in a timely manner. If written work for a Major Assessment is not turned in by the beginning of class of the due date. If it is turned by the end of the school day, it will be accepted and given credit for 95% of the grade. Each school day after the initial due date is 10% per day until the highest grade a student may receive on that assignment is a 60. If a student is not ready when called upon to perform for a major performance, the maximum grade the student can receive is 60.
  • Moving on to Theatre Arts II requires a grade of C or better AND recommendation by the instructor.


Grading: Grading is divided into two periods during the semester.  The final grade for the course is based on those two grades plus a final exam, which counts for 20% of the final grade.  Here is an approximate breakdown of the grading scheme:

First Half of Semester

Major Assessments     50%

   (Rehearsed Performances,
   Written Tests, etc.)

Minor Assessments     30%

   (Classwork, Homework,
   Notebooks, Quizzes)

Student Engagement   20%


Second Half of Semester

Major Assessments     50%

   (Rehearsed Performances,
   Written Tests, etc.)

Minor Assessments     20%

   (Classwork, Homework,
   Notebooks, Quizzes)

Student Engagement   20%

Final Scene Project      10%


Proposed Syllabus (May vary, depending upon the needs of the class):

Week 1-2 Classroom Procedures, Warm-ups, Games, Basic Theatre Terms/Beginnings of Theatre

Week 3-4 Pantomime, Beginnings of Theatre/Greek Theatre Part 1, Solo Pantomime Project

Week 5-6 Voice and Diction, Greek Theatre Pt 2, Poetry Performance Project

Week 7-9 Structure of Drama, Playwriting, The Miracle Worker, Greek Theatre Pt. 3/Roman Theatre

Week 10-12 Improvisation, Acting and Monologues, Asian Theatre

Week 13-15 Play Production, Medieval Theatre, Start Final Scene Projects

Week 15 -18 Final Scene Rehearsals and Performance, Renaissance Theatre, Exam Review


Attendance: Attendance policy is standard throughout all classes at Panther Creek High School.  See your student handbook for further explanation.

Tardies: All students are expected to be in the class AND ready for class. Being in the merely in the door is not the same as being ready for class! 1st Tardy: Verbal Warning, 2nd Tardy: Parent Contact, 3rd Tardy and Beyond: Lunch Detention.

Hall Passes:  Students must use a properly filled-out, hall pass during class time for bathroom or other needs with the permission of the instructor. The instructor fills out and signs the pass. Only one student out of class at a time.  No hall passes during warmups and/or the first 10 minutes of class!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due