Course Syllabus

American History II Syllabus Fall 2017

Ms. Scalzo

School Phone Number 919-365-2625

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Course Description:

American History Course II will guide students from the late nineteenth century time period through the early 21st century. Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States from the end of the Reconstruction era to present times. The essential standards of American History Course II will trace the change in the ethnic composition of American society; the movement toward equal rights for racial minorities and women; and the role of the United States as a major world power. An emphasis is placed on the expanding role of the federal government and federal courts as well as the continuing tension between the individual and the state. The desired outcome of this course is for students to develop an understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship between past and present events, recognize patterns of interactions, and understand the impact of events on in the United States in an interconnected world.


The essential standards of this course have been designed to provide a framework for studying political, social, economic, and cultural issues, and for analyzing the impact these issues have had on American society over time. Students will continue to build upon previous studies of American History, the fundamental concepts in civics and government, economics, culture and geography taught in grades kindergarten through eight and use skills of historical analysis as they examine American history. This course goes beyond memorization of isolated facts to the development of higher level thinking skills, encouraging students to make historical assessments and evaluations.


Tests: You will take approximately 6-8 tests throughout the semester. Each test may include multiple choice, matching, true/false, DBQ response, and short answer. You will also take several common assessments throughout the semester. These will always be cumulative.


Quizzes: We will take the occasional quiz. They will be between tests to make sure you are keeping up with the information, and lets me know if we need to go back and review before the assessment.

Projects: These usually will be independent or small group based and may involve class presentations. You should expect at least 2 projects to be assigned for completion outside of school.

Homework: Will be assigned. It could be anything from reading assigned text, to working on a project, to creating a study guide, but usually will consist of vocabulary and worksheets. Homework must be 80% accurate for it to be counted as complete.  It is imperative that you do your homework, as it will only help you when you take your tests. I will let you know at the beginning of each unit of what your homework assignment is.

Notes:  Are an important part of this class since we are dealing with historical events and dates. Notebooks will be used as a resource for review to prepare for the NCFE. Notebooks will include notes from the lesson and graphic organizers. Notebooks will be checked and graded. A list of notes/graphic organizers will be written on the board one week in advance to give students time to prepare and organize their notes. Notebook checks are due on the assigned date and must be neat and in order to be checked. If I have to search for your notes, then your notebook is not in proper order and will not be checked. Notebooks are to be turned in at the table in the back corner. Please be sure your notebook is clearly labeled with your name, as I may be checking them once you have left class.

Classroom Resources:

Students will be supplied with a textbook to complete assignments and readings while in class. Homework will be posted on Canvas and in the classroom at the beginning of each week with the exception of classwork that did not get finished during class and must be completed for homework.


Test Retake- Students may retest two tests per quarter. In order to retest, students must complete a Request to Re-test form located in the bin at the front table. Once the request has been filled out, the test will be returned and a due date will be assigned. Failure to turn in test corrections will mean the original grade stands. To determine the new grade the original grade and the retake will be averaged.


Grading Expectations: The NC ten point scale will be used for grading. Tests will count as 40% of your overall grade. 50% of your overall grade will be classwork, weekly warmups, projects, and quizzes. 10% of your grade will be based on homework.

Final Exam: At the end of the semester (during exam week) you will take the NCFE (North Carolina Final Exam) in this class that will account for 20% of your total grade.



 CLASSROOM RULES AND CONDUCT: The best atmosphere for learning is found in classes where each student has a strong desire to learn, has respect for themselves, the teacher, and other students, and is prepared to meet the requirements for that day’s class. You will be treated as a young adult and will be expected to behave as such. We will work together to craft a social contract that establishes norms which promote a successful classroom environment and provide a foundation for collaboration both in school and in the real world.


The student handbook clearly explains the rules of this school. My classroom expectations are as follows:

  1.        Enter the classroom and begin the journal/warm-up activity.
  2.        Be on time! See the tardy policy below.
  3.        Appropriate language is expected.
  4.        I dismiss the class, not the bell.
  5.        Raise your hand and ask permission if you need to leave your seat during seminar and direct instruction.
  6.        Keep your hands, feet and personal comments to yourself.
  7.       Clean up after yourself.
  8.       Cell phones should be put away at the beginning of class. No electronics are permitted in class unless I give permission.      (This includes charging your phone)
  9.        Leaving the room without permission is unacceptable
  10.        Failure to follow instructions may result in a referral.

WATER AND BATHROOM: During the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of each block, students will not be allowed to get water or go to the bathroom. Also, please do not interrupt direct instruction with requests to go to the bathroom or get water unless you are experiencing a true emergency.  For the remainder of the time, students will only be allowed to go to the bathroom and to get water with an EWHA hall pass.  If you have a medical condition, I will of course discuss this with you AND YOUR PARENT, and work something out. 

TARDINESS: If you are tardy please come in quietly, and wait to get the information you missed, so as not to disturb the teacher from instruction and the class from learning. The following are guidelines set forth in the East Wake Handbook.

  1.        1st tardy=verbal warning
  2.        2nd  tardy = parent notification
  3.        3rd  tardy = lunch detention

CLASS DISRUPTIONS:  Cell phone use during class impedes the learning process for you and your classmates. Texting and phone calls should take place on your personal time not class time.

Leaving the room without permission also interferes with the learning process for you and your peers. It also impacts my opportunity   to teach. I should not have to stop class to call the office to report a missing student. Leaving without permission is considered skipping and is a referable offense.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Any written work you turn in must be your own. Any time you use another person’s words or ideas you must give proper credit to that person by citing their work. If you do not know how to cite another person’s work, or are not sure when it is necessary to do so, please ask me. I assume that each of you is honest and I will not be looking over your shoulders, but any violation of this code will be dealt with harshly.

TEST RETAKE/CORRECTIONS- Students may retest two tests per quarter. In order to retest, students must complete a Request to Re-test form located in the bin at the front table. Once the request has been filled out, the test will be returned and a due date will be assigned. Failure to turn in test corrections by the assigned due date will mean the original grade stands. To determine the new grade the original grade and the retest will be averaged.

MISSING/MAKE-UP WORK: Any work missed, including tests and quizzes, must be made up within four school days of the due date. If you are absent you will have the same number of days as you were out to make up work.  You will receive no credit for work you fail to make up. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!


SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR CLASS:     College ruled five subject notebook/pens and /or pencils/glue/colored pencils/index cards/folder/highlighters

WISH LIST ITEMS: Tissue/hand sanitizer/Clorox wipes


I look forward to working with each of you. Please sign the contract below and share it with your parent/guardian and have them complete the required information and return it to school tomorrow.






Student and Parent/Guardian Contract


I have read Ms. Scalzo’s American History II syllabus and I understand and agree to abide by the rules and

procedures of the classroom. I understand the consequences that I will incur if I do not abide by the classroom

rules and procedures.



Student Signature:_____________________________________________________  Date:  __________



To be completed by the parent/guardian:


I have read and discussed the rules and procedures with my student. I understand and agree to encourage my

student to abide by these rules and procedures. I understand the consequences that my student will incur if my

student does not abide by the classroom rules and procedures.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________


Parent/Guardian Name(s): _________________________________________________________________


Contact numbers: _______________ (home) ___________________ (work) ________________ (cell)


Email: ________________________________________________________________________________

***What is the best way to contact you? (Please circle either home, work, cell, or email above.)


Questions/Comments? (This may be from the parent/guardian or the student. If the student or the parent has any

special interests, medical conditions, or concerns please feel free to include these here.)


Course Summary:

Date Details Due