Course Syllabus

Personal Finance    2017-18 SYLLABUS          Room 2218



My name is Mrs. Ella Hunter, I am a native of NC.  I have been teaching for 25+ years.

I completed my education at Elizabeth City State University and have earned the right to be called an expert teacher in the State of NC by showing myself approved, modeling the behaviors of a professional teacher during my years and by being National Board Certified.   



 EWHS:   919-365-2625


 About the Courses

 What is Personal Finance?                                           

Personal Finance is all about making decisions. This course gives students a consistent framework for thinking through financial choices in order to improve their well-being. Decisions require actions. Students who take charge of their finances are better prepared to invest in themselves and cope with  the financial ups and downs that life will bring.


Grades will be used to evaluate and to provide feedback to students.  Your grade will determined according to the following percentages.  We are a business class therefore, if you do not comply with turning in your paperwork on time.  Your grade will be at 70% after that first day your work is late.  Days after will result in me taking 10 points each day.

Test                                    40%

Assignments                     30%

Homework                         10%

Quiz/assignment (s)         20%


The following grade scale will be used in this class according to Wake County Schools and EWHS

A (100 – 90)

D (69 -60)

B (89 – 80)

F (59 – 0)

C (79 – 70)




  • A great attitude and excitement to learn
  • 1” Notebook to keep notes and notebook paper
  • Pen/Pencil EVERYDAY
  • Headphones will be required at times



Each student will be responsible for keeping up their notebook. Periodically these notebooks will be taken up and graded.

Student will be using websites including: Canvas, Quia, Quizlet, and Everfi to keep track of assignments, progress and grades throughout the semester.  I might discover more like Schoolnet and Kahoot etc.


  • East Wake High School Retest Policy supports the premise that all students can experience success.  Students will be allowed to retake up to two tests per quarter. The grade allowed upon retake will be 70%. Remediation prior to taking the retest may be required.

    Monday - Thursday, students that are not performing at a satisfactory level will be required to attend the lunch lab or after school labs with me.  If this changes I will let you know.  It is your responsiblity to complete all your work.    

CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS - Respect the Social Contract

Prompt: Be on time!!  It is your responsibility to be on time for class.  “Students with 4 unexcused tardies will be referred for disciplinary action.” (EWHS Student Handbook, page 11)

Respectful: Bringing in food and drink, cursing, and destroying others’ property is not the way to go.  Be mature, participate appropriately, and contribute to making the learning experience enjoyable. You will be written up for using your phone. "It is strictly enforced. Ensure that you respect school and each other property.  We have a lot of really nice equipment that we use in this course.  Take good care of it!

Ethical: Everything a student does should be done with high moral integrity.  High school students are at an age where they should know right from wrong.  Individual work should be completed individually so cheating comes with severe consequences.

Prepared: Students are expected to enter to learn and be in their seats when the bell rings daily.  This includes having homework ready to turn in, materials prepared, and social business completed and out of the way before entering the room.  It is my expectation that you use the bathroom on your 5-6 minutes between classes or ask the teachr for her Hall pass if it is an emergency. Otherwise you will need to have a medical note on file with the school. (Subject to change use of a Hall Pass Board this year)

Productive:  Staying on task, studying, and completing assignments are necessary actions for doing well in this course.

Diligent:  Perseverance, effort, and attentiveness are qualities expected to be seen in each and every student.

Compliance: Students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar with the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct and School Board policies governing student behavior and conduct. All Code of Student Conduct policies are contained in the WCPSS Student Handbook, the East Wake High School Handbook and the teacher Syllabus of conduct which is distributed by Canvas, hard copies, etc. to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year.  If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in this syllabus, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence.   Any violation in the code of student conduct will result in disciplinary actions outlined in your student agenda and will be noted in Easi.


Good attendance is essential for student achievement and success.  Students must attend a 45 minute extra help session for each absence over 5 in a class period in a nine weeks period.  For students who have 5 or more absences in a class period in a nine week period, students must validate the absence to avoid receiving a FF for the class due to attendance (No more than 10 days in a given semester). 

It is the responsibility of the student on the first day of his/her return to school following an absence to arrange for make-up time and/or work.  All assigned make-up work will be completed outside of regular class time within 3 school days (except in the case of consecutive multiple absences). Please do not ask me in class about your make-up work.  See me after class

Students are expected to arrive to class on time.  Arriving to class late may result in disciplinary actions from me.  Excessive tardiness will result in an administrative referral.


Any student who engages in or attempts to engage in plagiarism, falsification, violation of software copyright laws, or violations of computer access may be subject to disciplinary action and will receive zero on the assignment.  Cheating includes giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance of academic work.  Plagiarism includes copying the language, structure, or idea of another and representing it as one’s own work.  

If You’d Like to Meet with Me…

Mrs. Hunter will make herself available to the student or parent/guardian by appointment.  Please email Mrs. Hunter at  or call the school at 919-365-2625 to arrange a convenient time. 


Are only used in class when the teacher will use them for her/his assignments.  Otherwise, your phone should be either in your book bags, teacher designated place, or home. Cannot be visible.  No hats on in class.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due