Course Syllabus

AP ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENC           Course Information   Dr. Siegerman          Room 2802


AP Environmental Science is designed as the equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college course in environmental science.  Its goal is to provide scientific knowledge required to understand interrelationships between nature and humans and to evaluate these relationships.


3 hours

2 sections (Multiple Choice- 100 questions 60% value and Essay- 4 question 40% value)

**Each student is strongly encouraged to take the AP exam on May 10, 2018!





Composition book- required for labs/field work                 Index cards and ring clip            Graph Paper  

binder with Loose Leaf Paper                                             Access to Internet


  • Be respectful to all
  • Be on time
  • Be prepared to work
  • Stay on task
  • Per federal OSHA regulations: NO EATING OR DRINKING IN CLASS!!!!!!
  • Cell phones- not out during class unless we are using it and have teacher’s permission, cannot have in possession during all quizzes and tests.

NOTE:   This is a laboratory class.  All students will follow safety and clean up rules or will receive an alternate assignment for the lab and possible further disciplinary action.

Hall/Restroom PASSES:   

The Rolesville hall pass system (sign out/sign in) will be followed as well as the 10/10 rule



It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed work in compliance with the WCPSS handbook.  Make up work for excused absences of one (1) to three (3) days, the student will have one day for each day absent. For absences exceeding three (3) days, the student may have two (2) days for each day absent to make up work. Special consideration will be given in the case of extended absences due to injury or chronic illness.

Make-up work for unexcused absences (out of school suspensions are included) shall be graded at a standard consistent with the original work. Credit equivalent to not less than 70% of the original value of the work shall be awarded for make-up work completed within the teacher’s given deadline date. Try and make up work before the unit test is taken- it will maximize your learning. Check the class notebook/blackboard/Edmodo when absent.



1st quarter- 20 points off up to 5 days then turns into a Zero

2nd quarter- NO late work accepted!


RHS Honor Code will be followed at all times.

Message to parents from AP Environmental Science PLT:

AP, Advanced Placement translates to “college level” work and expectations.  Self-motivation and self-direction are crucial.  Students will have more work and preparation time to adjust to. Independent learning, reading (college-level) textbook, students will not be “handed” answers, making connections is imperative, applying knowledge to problem-solve is the theme of this class.  Grades trend lower than previous honors classes due to the rigor. Nightly reading/questions of the textbook and printing notes from the class website is the responsibility of the student as well as to review and study EACH night for quizzes and tests.  There will be 1-2 quizzes per week, unit tests, and a final exam.


All tests will be simulations of the final College Board AP exam, with multiple choice and essay portions.  Other assignments will include quizzes, laboratory write-ups, group work, internet assignments, outside reading and current events.  You are expected to complete all assignments.  1 retest per quarter for unit tests.

Tests/Labs/Projects/Summer Work (Major)      65%               90-100             A         

Class Activities/Quizzes (Minor)                       35%               80-89               B

                                                                                                70-79               C

                                                                                                60-69               D

                                                                                                59 and below    F

                             1st Quarter = 40%        2nd Quarter = 40%    and Final Exam = 20%


OFFICE HOURS: Thursdays 2:40-3:30



Unit 1:  Introduction, History, and Systems                   Chapters 1, 2, 20

  • Overview, Economics, Environmental problems, Graphing, Systems/Feedback loops

Unit 2: Population and Health                                          Chapters 6, 7, 17

  • Population- Biology concepts, Human concepts
  • Health hazards, Risk analysis, LD50

Unit 3: Biosphere                                                                 Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 18

  • Ecosystem Diversity- Biodiversity, Natural selection, Evolution, Extinction, Succession
  • Ecosystem structures, Food webs, Energy flow
  • Terrestrial Biomes- project

Unit 4: Lithosphere                                                            Chapters 8, 10, 11, 16

  • Earth Science- Plate tectonics, Geologic time, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Biogeochemical cycles
  • Soil and Food- rock cycle, soil formation, Erosion, Agriculture, Green Revolution, GMO, Pesticides, Fishing
  • Land Use – Forestry, Rangelands, Public and Federal land, Conservation, Urban land development
  • Solid and Hazardous Waste- Types, Disposal, Reduction, Clean up

Unit 5: Energy                                                                       Chapters 8, 12, 13

  • Resource/Energy- renewable, Non-renewable, Sustainability,
  • Mining, Reserves Fossil fuels, Nuclear, Efficiency, Fracking
  • Vehicles

Unit 6: Atmospheric Changes                                            Chapters 4, 15, 19

  • Weather and Climate- atmosphere, weather, Ocean interactions, Climate shifts
  • Stratospheric Ozone- Formation, Depletion, Effects, Strategies
  • Greenhouse Effect- Electromagnetic spectrum, Solar radiation, Albedo, Gases
  • Global Warming- Feedback mechanisms, Global Dimming, Impacts

Unit 7: Hydrosphere                                                           Chapters 4, 9, 11, 14

  • Water- Aquatic Biome, Saltwater, Freshwater, Budget/Conservation, Diversion
  • Water- Sources, Treatment, Sewage, Eutrophication, DO/BOD





Please detach by 9/1/17 and return to school.    APES


I ____________________________(student name) have read over and understand the information in this packet concerning classroom expectations, code of conduct, and safety in the laboratory, and agree to follow these rules while in science class. 


________________________________     _________________

student signature                                             date


________________________________     _________________

parent signature                                               date




This form must be filled out completely.  Make sure you have included each item requested.  Please fill out neatly!  It will be returned to you if it is illegible.


NAME_______________________________________________                PERIOD_____

            first                              middle                              last

NAME called by _________________________                                              GRADE_____

BIRTHDATE ________________            LUNCH______                                AGE________


Home telephone number_____________________________________________

I live with:_________________________________________________________

Parent’s/guardian’s name_____________________________________________

EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER______________________________________

e-mail address:         PARENTS___________________________________________

At home, do you have 1) computer access______       2) internet access______

Cell phone, do you have internet access at school   Yes ______     No ______

Any medical conditions which I should be made aware of? __________________________________


List all science classes you have taken in High School _____________________________________________________

List all math classes you have taken in High School _______________________________________________________


Course Summary:

Date Details Due