Course Syllabus

Syllabus for

Occupational Preparation I


Teacher: Mrs. Robb

Teacher Assistant: Ms. Dove                              

Room: M8                                                   



Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental attitudes, behaviors, and habits needed to obtain and maintain employment in their career choice and make career advancements. Students will participate in school-based learning activities including work ethic development, job-seeking skills, decision-making skills, and self-management. Students will be involved in on-campus vocational training activities such as school factories, work-based enterprises, hands-on vocational training in Career-Technical Education courses and the operation of small businesses. Formal career planning and development of knowledge regarding transition planning begins in this course and continues throughout the strand of Occupational Preparation courses.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identifies adult service agencies, their services and the processes for accessing these services.


  1. The learner will actively participate in career development activities (e.g. awareness, exploration, and planning) to determine a career goal.


  1. The learner will develop the job seeking skills necessary to secure employment in chosen career pathway.


  1. The learner will exhibit the work behaviors, habits, and skills in the area of personal management needed to obtain, maintain, and advance in chosen career pathway.


  1. The learner will exhibit the work behaviors, habits, and skills in the area of job performance needed to obtain, maintain, and advance in chosen career pathway.


  1. The learner will exhibit the interpersonal relationship skills needed for success in   the workplace.



Students will participate in volunteer work for 30 – 60 minutes each day.                                          


The Grading Breakdown for this course is as follows:

Classroom Participation =          60%

Skills =                                                 40%

Course Summary:

Date Details Due