Course Syllabus

Occupational Course of Study

Intro to Math


Teacher: Mrs. Robb

Teacher Assistant: Ms. Dove

Room: M9



Welcome to Middle Creek High School and OCS Intro to Math   


Learning Objectives


It is the mission of the MCHS Special Education department to provide our students with the support necessary to be successful in high school and the North Carolina curriculum.  The state has identified specific goals that students should be able to exhibit by the end of this course.  


Students and parents may visit the following DPI website for further detail:


The Grading Breakdown for this course is as follows:


Classroom Participation = 85%

Quizzes, Tests & Projects = 15%


Daily Tasks

Each day, we will follow a specific routine to accomplish our daily objectives.  


Essential Question 5 min

Review objectives 5 min

Daily instruction 50 min

Group Activity 20 min

Wrap-up activity 10 min

Course Summary:

Date Details Due