Course Syllabus

Dear Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s),                                                                                        August 29th, 2016

                Welcome to Carroll Magnet Middle School! I am super excited to have you be a part of the Carroll Courage Community. Your student is enrolled in the Math 6th Plus Course with me, Ms. Wildhaber, as their teacher. I am here as a constant resource as they journey through math this year.

About the Course:

                Math 6 Plus is an accelerated course that is a combination of sixth grade math and part of the seventh grade math material. Students will also spend one quarter, as an elective course, with me for both math enrichment and remediation on the topics that are being explored during that specific quarter.

Course Requirements:

                Students will be expected to have a spiral notebook, 3-ring, one-subject binder, and dividers for their math notebook. This will be used every day. They must have it in class with them every day. Students will have the option to leave it in the classroom when no homework is assigned. Students will be creating a table contents and place all work in the notebook. Since there are no math textbooks, this spiral or composition book will serve as their own personalized reference guide. Students will also need a few pencils to use during class as well.

Flipped Classroom:

                We will be doing a flipped classroom this year. A flipped classroom is designed to have the students view a short video on a new topic that has examples worked out by the teacher. Therefore, when they go to class, students have already been introduced to the topic and explorations and group practice can take place during the class time with the teacher there as a guide to help with any questions. Students will be assigned a video and expected to view it on the iPad they are receiving at the beginning of the school year. Students will take notes and work through the examples with the video in their notebook to have a reference for the next day at school.


                Students that are absent are expected to check my canvas page for classwork and assignments they may have missed. They must make sure that they fill in the absent work in their notebook to keep their table of contents the same as the class. Students may re-watch videos for extra help on the concepts.

Late Work:

                Students will be only given two weeks to turn in any late assignments.


                Minor assignments (exit tickets, quizzes, homework, classwork, etc.)                         25%

                Major assignments (unit tests, projects, quarterly assessments, etc.)                        75%


Grading Scale:

A    90-100%                        B   80-89%                      C    70-79%    D    60-69%                       F       Below 59%

Classroom Expectations:

Students will be expected to:

                -Be on time with daily materials

                -Complete assignments

-Participate with Group

                -Be respectful


Classroom Consequences:

                First Time Offense: Verbal Warning:

                Second Time Offense: Change Seat Assignment

                Third Time Offense: Parent Contact with Silent Lunch

                Fourth Time Offense: Parent/Student Conference

                Fifth Time Offense: Office Referral with Administration action



                Please feel free to contact me about any questions or concern you may have throughout the entire year. I am more than happy to email, call, or have a parent conference with you. It is better to be proactive and address a possible issue or confusion before it gets to be a major concern. More will be coming out about the team blog and my canvas account in the next week.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due