Course Syllabus



Honors World History

Mr. Joshua Mann

B.S.E Social Studies & M.A. History

Cary High School – Room #2121 & 2130

Fall 2016


Course Webpage: Canvas

Twitter: @MrMann33

School Phone: 919-460-3549


Course Description: Welcome!  I look forward to a great semester with you. Honors World History provides the opportunity for advanced work, rigorous study, and systematic study of major ideas and concepts found in the study of global history. The course is challenging and requires students to take greater responsibility for their learning by participating in problem-seeking, problem-solving, scholarly and creative processes, critical analysis and application, and reflective thinking. Although the goals and objectives are the same as those found in the Standard Course of Study, the material is taught with greater complexity and reflects a differentiated curriculum. (Source: NC Dept. of Public Instruction)


Materials:  You will need the following materials for this class:

  1. three ring binder with notebook paper (organizing handouts/graded work)
  2. college ruled notebook (for taking notes/ warm ups)
  3. pen and/or pencil. 


Classroom Norms:

  1. Be in class and seated BEFORE the bell rings.
  2. Show respect – for yourself, your peers, and your teacher.
  3. Pay attention and participate. Raise your hand, not your voice.
  4. Unless otherwise directed, cell phones should be in your bag, ON SILENT!
  5. Use language and discuss topics that are school appropriate.
  6. Come ready to class with a positive attitude, ready to listen & learn!


Absence Policy:  is the responsibility of the student to make sure he/she has received and completed any makeup work.  Please remind me to give you handouts that you missed.  Any other activity, like the notes taken during a class you missed should be received from a classmate.  Always check the course website in order to find out what you missed or if you need help studying.


Homework: For all homework turned in completed, the lowest grade that a student can receive is a 50. The majority of your homework will consist of completing activities that we begin in class that day.  You will rarely start and finish a new assignment for homework.  Studying for tests/quizzes would also be appropriate homework.  Working on a project, researching information, and writing assignments also could be classified as homework.


Late Work: Late assignments can be turned in for up to 70% credit if completed before/after school or during SMART lunch and is submitted within three days of the assignments due date.  Work that is never turned in will be counted as a zero.  See AMP for additional information.






Grading: Your grade will be divided into three general categories for different types of assignments (Minor and Major).  The specific grade weight breakdown is as follows:


A: 90-100 (4.0)       B: 89-80 (3.0)      C: 79-70 (2.0)      D: 69-60 (1.0)        F: 59- Below (0.0)

Homework (10%)

Minor Grades (40%)

Major Grades (50%)

Includes homework assignments.

Includes class assignments, quizzes, and participation.

Includes tests, research writing assignments, and large projects.



Assessment Mastery Policy (AMP): If a student scores below a 70 on a “MAJOR” assignment they may speak with me about improving their grade.  Students will have three days after an assignment is returned to take advantage of AMP.  Each student is limited to 3 improvement opportunities per class.  You will not be allowed to fail all assignments and expect to make them all up.  Options to improve a grade would include test corrections, alternative assignments, and/or tutoring.


Cheating: Academic misconduct and cheating of any kind on assignments will not be tolerated.  When using a resource you must make citation to give credit to the source.  It is similar to hearing someone describe a great idea then you take that great idea to benefit yourself without crediting the inventor.  Any student caught cheating on any assignment will have the opportunity for a “re-do” of an alternative assignment, but only be given the highest possible grade of a 59.  He or she will also be referred to the Discipline Office for consequences as outlined in the discipline policy.


Cell Phone/Technology Policy (BYOD)

Cary High allows students to utilize their personal devices in class.  Please bring this tech to class, but make sure to be respectful and responsible for your own property.  I am not responsible for any personal tech you bring in that is lost, stolen, or gets broken.  The only time personal devices should be used in class is when I instruct you to do so.  Any student that disobeys this policy will have their device taken to the attendance office and be required to have a parent pick it up.


Tardy Policy:  All teachers will close and lock their doors at the ringing of the tardy bell.  Students will only be permitted to enter class with a pass from the Discipline Office or another teacher/administrator. 


World History Unit Guide                                                             Unit 6: Age of Revolutions

Unit 1: Ancient Civilizations and Religions                                     Unit 7: Age of Industry

Unit 2: Dark & Middle Ages                                                              Unit 8: Social Change

Unit 3: European Rebirth                                                                 Unit 9: Early 20th Century

Unit 4: First Global Age                                                                    Unit 10: Mid-20th Century

Unit 5: Absolutism                                                                             Unit 11: Global Issues


Help: If you at ANY time have questions or are having difficulty with this course, please talk with me about finding time to seek assistance.  Please feel free to contact me whenever you need help, and we can schedule a time to meet.  It is my desire to see you do well in this course all I ask is you put forth your best effort each class period.



The following page MUST be returned to me by August 31st, 2016

I have read and understand the Policies and Procedures for Mr. Mann’s Honors World History Class.  I also understand that I can contact him at any point with questions or concerns.  Please have both you and your parents sign below.



Student Signature: _____________________________________________                    Date: ___________


Student E-mail: ________________________________________________                   Period: ________




Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________             Date: ___________


Parent/Guardian E-mail: _________________________________________


Parent Comments/Questions:








I have read and understand the Policies and Procedures for Mr. Mann’s Honors World History Class.  I also understand that I can contact him at any point with questions or concerns.  Please have both you and your parents sign below.



Student Signature: _____________________________________________                    Date: ___________


Student E-mail: ________________________________________________                   Period: ________




Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________             Date: ___________


Parent/Guardian E-mail: _________________________________________


Parent Comments/Questions:

Course Summary:

Date Details Due