Key Concept/Long Answer Questions

  • Due No due date
  • Points 50
  • Questions 5
  • Time Limit None


1) Respond to these prompts in cohesive paragraphs. (Cohesive means they flow well and one sentence leads into another. The sentences don't jump around.)

2) You may only work on one question at a time. You cannot go back to a previous question once you have moved on to the next one. This will allow me to track in Canvas whether you leave Canvas while you are answering any of the questions other than #1. If you leave Canvas except to work on #1 you will receive an F for cheating as you have accessed unauthorized information.

3) You may not ask any questions while you work on the Key Concept questions. Do the best you can with spelling -- you will not lose technical points on the exam. 

4) When you are done: Turn your index card in to Ms. King. Do something else SILENTLY -- no phones or computers.

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