Honors Math 3 Syllabus

NC Honors Math 3 

Course Description

Math 3 Heading.jpg is an integrated math curriculum that was adopted by the state of North Carolina.  The curriculum contains topics that have been traditionally taught in Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus and Discrete Math.  Students will be working with Modeling, Functions, Number and Quantity, Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.  


Classroom Rules & Procedures

All students are expected to abide by school rules as stated in the Student Handbook. Refer to your handbook for consequences.  In addition, I ask that you BE PROMPT, BE PREPARED, BE POLITE AND BE PRODUCTIVE! Unauthorized electronics used during class will be confiscated. 


blue outline.png Supplies

  • Graphing Calculator: TI-83 or TI-84
  • Paper and way to organize handouts (notebook, folder, etc.)
  • Pencils
  • Colored pens/Colored pencils/Highlighters (optional)
  • Expo Markers - Please keep at least 3 Expo markers in a plastic baggie in your bookbag for classroom usage

blue outline.png Earning your grade     Grade calculation chart blue outline.png 

               Quarter Grades                                   Final Grade

Major Assessments


Minor Assessments






Quarter 1


Quarter 2


Final Exam


**Sanderson High School does not offer extra credit. Grades earned are a reflection of mastery of the content. Students will be afforded opportunities to demonstrate mastery through remediation and grade recovery.**


blue outline.png Late Work Policy blue outline.png

Completing assignments on time is critical to success in class.  Students will receive a 5% deduction on their assignment grade for each day the assignment is turned in after the due date.  In accordance with the SHS academic grading plan, no late work will be accepted one week after the due date.  


blue outline.png Make-up Work and Absences blue outline.png

If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to get missed notes and complete any missed assignments.  All materials for the course can be found on Canvas, including videos and additional resources for each unit. In the event of an absence, you are required to make up ALL work including homework, quizzes, tests, and projects in accordance with the late work policy.


blue outline.png Quiz Recovery blue outline.png

Students can replace their lowest Quiz grade in a unit, provided it is at least a 50%, with their Unit Test grade.  If a Quiz grade is below a 50% and the student passes the Unit Test, the Quiz grade will be replaced with a 60% (passing). (The cap may be removed provided the student meets requirements by the teacher which may include but are not limited to attending tutorials, completing quiz corrections, and/or additional assignments.)


blue outline.png Test Recovery blue outline.png

After a Unit Test, students will have one week to demonstrate mastery of the content. Upon completion of a recovery assignment, the original test grade may be recovered up to a 70%. To demonstrate mastery, students will complete recovery modules at deltamath.com.


blue outline.png Tutorials blue outline.png












2:30 - 3:30




blue outline.png PowerSchool blue outline.png

It is your responsibility to check PowerSchool regularly and to monitor your grades.  Grades will be updated weekly.


10-point grading scale:  A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C = 70-79, D = 60-69, F = below 60

blue outline.png Academic Integrity blue outline.png

In accordance with Wake County Board of Education Policy 6445 regarding academic integrity, a student who knowingly engages in or attempts to engage in cheating, plagiarism, or falsification of school-related assignments and/or documents shall be subject to disciplinary action as outlined by Sanderson High School’s academic integrity standards.  Students are encouraged to review and practice these standards. If a student is found to be in violation, he/she will receive a zero for the assignment and an alternate assignment will be assigned.


blue outline.png Academic Recovery Process blue outline.png

In order to give each student the best possible learning experience, it is imperative that all parties (students, parents, and teachers) are held accountable for success or failure in the classroom. We understand that a student may struggle to master some concepts in a timely manner. Therefore, our Academic Recovery Process is accessible to all students and offered when:

  • the student is attending class on a regular basis
  • the student has given sufficient first effort on assignments
  • the student completes recovery in a timely manner


ACT Dates for 2021 - 2022 --> Sept 11, Oct 23, Dec 11, and Feb 12