PowerPoint Module 3 Lesson 3: Formatting shapes - Supplemental

In this lesson, you will learn how to format shapes. You will learn how to change a shape’s color, outline, style, and effects to better customize it to your purpose.

Watch this video on how to format shapes:  Click here Links to an external site.

How to change the color, outline, and/or effects of shapes:

  1. Select a shape.
  2. Select the Format
  3. Select the Shape Fill drop-down in the Shape Styles The following screenshot depicts the Shape Style group of the Format tab:

shape styles

  1. Choose a color for your shape.
  2. Select the Shape Outline drop down in the Shape Styles
  3. Choose an outline color for your shape.
  4. Choose an outline weight for your shape.
  5. Select the Shape Effects drop down in the Shape Styles
  6. Choose an effect for your shape.


  1. Open the following presentation: Download L3_T1_try_beekeeping_workshop_starter.pptx
  2. Go to slide 5.
  3. Select a hexagon that you created in the previous lesson.
  4. Change the hexagon color to Gold, Accent 5.
  5. Change the hexagon outline color to Gold, Accent 5, Darker 50%.
  6. Change the hexagon outline weight to 3 pt.
  7. Repeat for the remaining hexagons.
  8. Save the presentation.
  9. Submit the presentation here:  PowerPoint Module 3 Lesson 3 Assignment