PowerPoint Module 1 Lesson 3: Exploring the interface and views - Supplemental
In this module you will explore the PowerPoint interface, change the screen size, and change the screen view.
Change the Presentation View
As with any Office application, occasionally you will need to change the screen view. The default view is Normal View. You can change the view using File>Options. The following figure provides more information.
- To change the view, go to the View tab and select the preferred option.
- Select your preferred option from the status bar. Note: There are not as many view options on the status bar.
Read about the different types of views below:
Normal View: The most commonly used view for editing slides. The current slide is the main focus on the screen, with the slide thumbnails on the left. You can display or hide the speaker notes area.
Outline View: The emphasis is on the text, not the slides and is great for moving text from slide to slide and for demoting or promoting bullets and headings.
Slide Sorter View: Great for organizing slides and grouping slides into sections.
Notes Page View: The emphasis is on the speaker notes area. The best practice is to add anything you intend to mention in a presentation, rather than typing everything into the slide itself. You can then print the notes pages as a handy guide while presenting. Even the most experienced and confident speakers occasionally "lose the plot" and need a little guidance.
Reading View: This view displays the presentation in full screen, which can be useful as a sneak preview of how the slides will display during a Slide Show, without having to switch into Slide Show mode.
Slide Show View: This view can be accessed via the status bar or via the Slide Show tab. F5 will run the show from the beginning and Shift+F5 will run the show from the current slide.
Presenter View: This view is accessed via the Slide Show tab and is great for using while presenting your slides because you can view your notes, but your audience can’t. You will only be able to notice what happens with this view during a Slide Show.
Master Views: These commands control the contents of the entire presentation. You’ll learn more about these in Module 7.
Change the slide size and orientation
Unlike Microsoft Word, it is not possible to change the size of individual slides in a presentation like you can with a Word document. Similarly, you cannot change the orientation of individual slides. It’s all or nothing!
- Select the Design tab and the Slide Size command from the Customize
- Select Standard (4:3), Widescreen (16:9) aspect ratio.
1. Open the following file: L3_T2_try1_staff_profiles_starter.pptx
2. Change the slide size to Standard (4:3) and click ensure fit.
3. Save the presentation and submit it here: PowerPoint Module 1 Lesson 3 Assignments.